Discover the Surprising Owners of Aviation Gin and Their Impact on the Spirits Industry

In the world of spirits, gin has long been a beloved and iconic drink. From classic cocktails like the Tom Collins to the famous Martini, gin has a rich history and distinct flavor that appeals to many. One popular brand that has gained a loyal following in recent years is Aviation Gin.

Owned by an undisclosed group of investors, Aviation Gin has quickly risen to prominence in the crowded spirits market. Created in 2006 by a bartender and distiller, this American gin has garnered a reputation for its smooth taste and unique blend of botanicals.

While the true owners behind the brand remain a secret, there is no denying the impact that Aviation Gin has had on the industry. With endorsements from renowned celebrities like Ryan Reynolds, the brand has successfully captured the attention and loyalty of consumers around the world.

Who Owns Aviation Gin?

Aviation Gin is owned by Davos Brands, a premium spirits company based in New York City. Davos Brands acquired Aviation Gin in 2016, with the goal of bringing its unique, award-winning gin to a wider audience.

Before the acquisition, Aviation Gin was founded in 2006 by a group of friends, including renowned bartender Ryan Magarian and actor Ryan Reynolds, who became the face of the brand. Their vision was to create a gin that would redefine the category, combining traditional botanicals with non-traditional elements such as lavender and Indian sarsaparilla.

Under Davos Brands’ ownership, Aviation Gin has continued to flourish, gaining popularity and critical acclaim. The brand has expanded its distribution, allowing more people around the world to enjoy its distinctive flavor profile and smoothness.

Today, Aviation Gin is recognized as one of the leading craft gins in the industry, known for its exceptional quality and innovative approach. With its unique ownership and commitment to pushing boundaries, Aviation Gin stands out as a true pioneer in the world of spirits.

Behind the Aviation Gin Brand

When it comes to the ownership of Aviation Gin, there has been much speculation and curiosity surrounding the true owners behind the brand. Many consumers wonder who is behind the success of this popular gin, and who is responsible for its unique taste and marketing strategies.

The answer to the question of who owned Aviation Gin lies in the hands of a group of passionate individuals who had a vision for creating a high-quality gin that would disrupt the industry and stand out from the competition. These individuals saw the potential in crafting a gin that was not only delicious but also had a captivating story behind it.

The Initial Ownership:

Aviation Gin was initially founded in 2006 by a group of friends, including Ryan Magarian, a renowned bartender, and Christian Krogstad, a distiller. They had a shared love for gin and a desire to create a gin that would be the perfect blend of traditional and contemporary flavors.

The Acquisition by Davos Brands:

In 2016, Aviation Gin caught the attention of Davos Brands, a New York-based company that specializes in the acquisition and development of premium spirits brands. Davos Brands recognized the potential of Aviation Gin and its unique position in the market, and they saw an opportunity to take the brand to new heights.

With the acquisition by Davos Brands, Aviation Gin gained access to a wealth of resources and industry expertise. This partnership allowed the brand to expand its reach and connect with a larger audience, while still maintaining its commitment to quality and craftsmanship.

Despite the change in ownership, the original founders of Aviation Gin, Ryan Magarian and Christian Krogstad, have remained actively involved in the brand. They continue to be an integral part of the decision-making process, ensuring that the gin stays true to its roots and maintains its exceptional quality.


Aviation Gin’s success can be attributed to a combination of the passion and vision of its original founders, as well as the strategic partnership with Davos Brands. Together, they have created a gin that has captivated consumers and set itself apart from the competition. So, the next time you enjoy a glass of Aviation Gin, you can appreciate the dedication and expertise that went into making it the exceptional spirit it is today.

Owned by Date
Ryan Magarian and Christian Krogstad 2006-2016
Davos Brands 2016-present

Unveiling the True Owners of Aviation Gin

Aviation gin, known for its smooth and sophisticated flavor, has captivated gin lovers around the world. But have you ever wondered who actually owns this renowned brand?

Aviation gin is owned by none other than actor Ryan Reynolds. Yes, you read that right! Reynolds, known for his roles in popular movies like Deadpool, is not just a talented actor but also a proud owner of Aviation gin.

Reynolds acquired a stake in Aviation gin in 2018 and ever since, he has been deeply involved in the brand’s development and success. His passion for gin prompted him to invest in Aviation, and he has brought a fresh and creative perspective to the brand.

The Story behind the Ownership

You may be wondering how Reynolds ended up owning a gin brand. Well, it all began when he tasted Aviation gin and fell in love with its unique taste and craftsmanship. Impressed by its quality, Reynolds became more than just a consumer – he became a part of the Aviation family.

Reynolds’s involvement in Aviation gin goes beyond simply being the face of the brand. He actively participates in creating unique marketing campaigns, collaborating with other artists, and even tasting and providing feedback on new gin creations.

From his witty social media posts to his hilarious advertisements, Reynolds’s ownership of Aviation gin has added a touch of his own personality to the brand. His charismatic and humorous approach has helped Aviation gin stand out in a highly competitive market.

A True Gin Enthusiast

Reynolds’s ownership of Aviation gin showcases his genuine love for the spirit. Not content with just being a celebrity endorser, he has become deeply involved in the brand’s operations and has been instrumental in its success.

Whether you’re a fan of Ryan Reynolds or simply appreciate a good gin, knowing the true owner behind Aviation gin adds a layer of authenticity and personality to the brand. So, the next time you enjoy a glass of Aviation gin, take a moment to toast to Ryan Reynolds, the man behind the iconic brand.

The Passionate Owners of Aviation Gin

Aviation Gin is owned by a group of passionate individuals who have revolutionized the gin industry.

One of the key figures behind Aviation Gin is actor Ryan Reynolds, who is known for his love of the spirit. Reynolds, who acquired an ownership stake in the company in 2018, played an integral role in shaping the brand and its marketing strategy.

In addition to Reynolds, there are other prominent individuals who are part owners of Aviation Gin. These include a group of entrepreneurs and industry experts who were drawn to the unique flavor profile and craftsmanship of Aviation Gin.

The Craftsmanship and Attention to Detail

Aviation Gin is known for its meticulous craftsmanship, which sets it apart from other brands. The owners of Aviation Gin have a deep appreciation for the art of gin-making and are committed to producing a high-quality product.

They carefully select the botanicals used in the gin and employ a unique distillation process to ensure the perfect balance of flavors. This attention to detail is what sets Aviation Gin apart and has garnered it a loyal following of gin enthusiasts around the world.

Investing in Innovation

The owners of Aviation Gin are not content with resting on their laurels. They are constantly pushing the boundaries of gin-making and investing in innovation.

They collaborate with industry experts to develop new and exciting flavors, exploring different techniques and experimenting with unique botanical combinations.

This commitment to innovation ensures that Aviation Gin remains at the forefront of the industry, constantly surprising and delighting its customers with innovative products.

In conclusion, the owners of Aviation Gin are a passionate group who have brought their love for gin and dedication to craftsmanship to create a brand that is truly exceptional. Their commitment to excellence and innovation sets Aviation Gin apart, making it a favorite among gin connoisseurs worldwide.

Meet the Faces Behind Aviation Gin

Owned by Ryan Reynolds, Aviation Gin is a brand that has gained immense popularity in the world of spirits. But who are the minds behind this successful gin?

Ryan Reynolds, a Canadian actor, and entrepreneur, purchased Aviation Gin in 2018. He saw great potential in the brand and wanted to be actively involved in its growth.

Reynolds teamed up with a team of experienced distillers and master blenders who are dedicated to perfecting the craft of creating outstanding gin. Their expertise and attention to detail are evident in every bottle of Aviation Gin.

One of the key figures behind the scenes is Christian Krogstad, the founder of House Spirits Distillery, which is responsible for producing Aviation Gin. Krogstad brings decades of experience in the spirits industry and a passion for crafting exceptional spirits.

Together with Reynolds and Krogstad, the team at Aviation Gin is committed to producing a gin that is not only delicious but also innovative. They continuously experiment with unique botanical blends, resulting in gins that push the boundaries of traditional recipes.

Aviation Gin also values collaboration and has partnered with other notable brands and individuals. One such partnership is with Richard Branson’s Virgin Atlantic, where Aviation Gin is available on their flights, adding a touch of luxury to the onboard experience.

So the next time you enjoy a glass of Aviation Gin, remember that it is crafted by a team of passionate individuals led by Ryan Reynolds and Christian Krogstad. Their dedication and creativity are what make Aviation Gin truly exceptional.

The Story of Aviation Gin Ownership

Aviation Gin, known for its smooth and flavorful taste, is a popular choice among gin enthusiasts worldwide. But have you ever wondered who owns this esteemed brand?

The ownership of Aviation Gin has an interesting history. Originally owned by a small distillery in Portland, Oregon, it was later acquired by Davos Brands, a California-based spirits company. Under Davos Brands’ ownership, Aviation Gin gained widespread recognition and became a staple in the craft gin market.

However, the story of Aviation Gin ownership doesn’t end there. In 2020, another significant development took place. Ryan Reynolds, the acclaimed actor and producer, announced that he had acquired an ownership stake in the brand. Reynolds, known for his wit and charm, quickly became the face of Aviation Gin, bringing a fresh and innovative approach to its marketing.

With Reynolds’ involvement, Aviation Gin saw a surge in popularity and sales. His unique blend of marketing savvy and genuine passion for the brand resonated with consumers, making Aviation Gin a household name.

Today, Aviation Gin is proudly owned by Davos Brands and Ryan Reynolds, a partnership that continues to elevate the brand to new heights. The combination of Davos Brands’ expertise and Reynolds’ creative vision has solidified Aviation Gin’s position as a leader in the gin industry.

So, the next time you sip on a glass of Aviation Gin, take a moment to appreciate the collective efforts of those who have owned and shaped the brand. It’s a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in the world of spirits.

Exploring the Ownership of Aviation Gin

Aviation Gin has gained popularity in recent years as a beloved spirit for cocktail enthusiasts and gin connoisseurs alike. But who exactly owns this brand? Let’s delve into the ownership of Aviation Gin and discover the true owners behind this iconic brand.

Gin Distillers United

The ownership of Aviation Gin can be traced back to a consortium known as Gin Distillers United. This group consists of several industry experts and enthusiasts who came together with a shared passion for crafting premium gin. Their collective expertise and dedication to quality have been key factors in the success of Aviation Gin.

Leadership Team

At the helm of Aviation Gin is a leadership team composed of experienced individuals with extensive knowledge of the spirits industry. They oversee the day-to-day operations and strategic planning of the brand, ensuring that Aviation Gin remains at the forefront of the gin market.

While the specific individuals who make up the leadership team may be less known to the general public, their expertise and commitment to excellence are reflected in the high-quality products produced under the Aviation Gin brand.

Partnerships and Collaborations

In addition to the core team behind Aviation Gin, the brand has also formed partnerships and collaborations with notable figures in the entertainment and business world. This has helped to raise the brand’s profile and introduce Aviation Gin to new audiences.

Notable partnerships include collaborations with actor Ryan Reynolds, who has become closely associated with the brand due to his involvement in its promotion and marketing efforts. These partnerships have added an extra layer of recognition and appeal to Aviation Gin.

In conclusion, while the exact ownership structure of Aviation Gin may not be widely known, it is clear that a dedicated group of gin enthusiasts and industry experts are responsible for the success of this beloved brand. Their commitment to quality and innovation has made Aviation Gin a top choice for gin enthusiasts around the world.

Discovering the True Identity of Aviation Gin Owners

Aviation Gin, a popular brand in the alcohol industry, is often consumed and enjoyed by many around the world. However, not many know who the true owners of this brand are. With the rise of craft distilleries and unique brands, it’s important to understand the ownership behind the products we consume.

The Aviation Gin Brand

Aviation Gin is a premium gin that has gained recognition for its smooth flavor and unique bottle design. It has become a favorite among gin enthusiasts and mixologists alike.

Many people may assume that Aviation Gin is an independent craft distillery, owned by a small team of passionate individuals. However, the truth is that the brand is actually owned by a larger entity.

Discovering the True Ownership

The true owners of Aviation Gin are none other than the famous actor, Ryan Reynolds, and his business partner, the alcohol conglomerate, Diageo. Reynolds acquired an ownership stake in the brand in 2018 and has since become heavily involved in its promotion and marketing.

Diageo, a multinational alcoholic beverages company, acquired Aviation Gin under its portfolio of popular brands. With its extensive resources and distribution network, Diageo has helped expand the reach of Aviation Gin to a global audience.

Despite being owned by a larger corporation, Aviation Gin still maintains its unique identity and continues to produce high-quality gin loved by many.

So, next time you enjoy a glass of Aviation Gin, you can now raise a toast to Ryan Reynolds and the team at Diageo, the true owners behind the brand.

The Hidden Owners of Aviation Gin

When it comes to gin, many people wonder who exactly is behind their favorite brands. In the case of Aviation Gin, the ownership may not be as transparent as one might expect.

Aviation Gin is owned by Davos Brands, a California-based beverage company. However, the true owners behind Davos Brands are not widely known. This has led to speculation and curiosity surrounding the ownership of Aviation Gin.

Despite the secrecy, one thing is clear – Aviation Gin has gained a loyal following and has become a popular choice among gin enthusiasts. Its smooth taste and unique blend of botanicals have captured the attention of many, making it a sought-after brand in the gin market.

While the hidden owners of Aviation Gin may remain a mystery, what is evident is the success and quality of the brand. Whether it’s enjoyed in a classic gin and tonic or crafted into a delicious cocktail, Aviation Gin continues to impress gin lovers around the world.

Aviation Gin Bottle
  • Taste: Smooth
  • Blend of Botanicals: Unique
  • Ownership: Davos Brands

Aviation Gin: A Journey to the Owners

When it comes to aviation, there is no shortage of passion and innovation. Aviation Gin is no exception. But have you ever wondered who is behind this unique gin brand?

The ownership of Aviation Gin has been an interesting journey. The brand was originally founded by Ryan Magarian and Christian Krogstad in Portland, Oregon. Their vision was to create a gin that would capture the spirit of aviation and bring something new and exciting to the world of spirits.

However, in 2016, Aviation Gin caught the attention of none other than actor Ryan Reynolds. Reynolds, famous for his roles in films like Deadpool and The Proposal, saw the potential in Aviation Gin and became involved in the ownership of the brand. His wit and humor quickly became a part of Aviation Gin’s marketing strategy, and his ownership brought even more attention to the brand.

Today, Aviation Gin is owned by Davos Brands, a company that specializes in acquiring and developing premier brands in wine and spirits. With Ryan Reynolds as a partial owner and brand ambassador, Aviation Gin has continued to thrive and gain popularity in the market.

So, the next time you sip on a glass of Aviation Gin, remember the journey it has taken and the people behind its success. From the founders Ryan and Christian, to the involvement of Ryan Reynolds, Aviation Gin has truly made its mark in the spirits world.

The Mystery Behind Aviation Gin Ownership

Owned by Ryan Reynolds, Aviation Gin has become a popular choice among gin enthusiasts around the world. However, beyond its famous celebrity owner, there is a fascinating story behind the true ownership of this beloved brand.

Many wonder, who really owns Aviation Gin? The answer lies within the partnership between Reynolds and Davos Brands. Davos Brands, a spirits company based in New York, acquired Aviation Gin in 2016. Since then, it has worked closely with Reynolds to elevate the brand’s presence and appeal.

This partnership is not just a typical endorsement deal. Reynolds is not only the face of Aviation Gin but also an active participant in its creation and promotion. He has been known to share his ideas and insights with the company, making him an integral part of the brand’s success.

Aviation Gin has gained popularity not only for its taste but also for its clever marketing campaigns, often infused with Reynolds’ signature humor. The blend of quality ingredients, innovative marketing, and the star power of Reynolds has propelled Aviation Gin to new heights.

So, while Reynolds may be the recognizable face behind Aviation Gin, it is a collaborative effort between him and Davos Brands that truly drives the brand forward. Together, they continue to captivate drinkers and maintain Aviation Gin’s status as one of the most exciting players in the gin industry.

Delving into the Ownership of Aviation Gin

When it comes to the popular spirit known as gin, there are many different brands to choose from. One brand that has gained significant attention in recent years is Aviation Gin. But who actually owns this trendy gin label?

Aviation Gin is owned by Davos Brands, a company that specializes in building and developing premium craft spirits. Davos Brands acquired Aviation Gin in 2016, recognizing its potential and unique qualities.

Under the guidance of its owners, Aviation Gin has seen tremendous growth and popularity. With its smooth and versatile flavor profile, this gin has become a favorite among consumers and mixologists alike.

Looking beyond its ownership, Aviation Gin stands out for its distinctive botanical blend. Traditional gin flavors like juniper, cardamom, and lavender are combined with exotic ingredients like Indian sarsaparilla and Dutch cocoa to create a truly unique taste.

Aviation Gin has also made a mark with its marketing and branding efforts. The brand has collaborated with well-known personalities like actor Ryan Reynolds, who has played an active role in promoting the gin and adding his own personal touch to its image.

Thanks to its ownership and innovative approach, Aviation Gin has become a staple in bars and homes around the world. Whether enjoyed in a classic cocktail or sipped neat, this gin continues to captivate gin enthusiasts with its exceptional quality and unrivaled flavor.

Aviation Gin: Who Controls the Brand?

When it comes to ownership, there is always a curiosity surrounding the true owners behind popular brands. In the case of Aviation Gin, it is important to understand who controls this well-known spirit.

The Origin of Aviation Gin

Aviation Gin was founded back in 2006 by a group of entrepreneurs who shared a passion for craftsmanship and distilling. These individuals had a vision of creating a gin that would redefine the industry and offer a unique experience to gin lovers.

Ryan Reynolds’ Acquisition

One of the key moments in the history of Aviation Gin is when it caught the attention of Hollywood actor Ryan Reynolds. Reynolds, who had a deep appreciation for the brand and its quality, decided to acquire a stake in Aviation Gin in 2018.

The acquisition was a strategic move for Reynolds, as he saw immense potential in the brand and wanted to be actively involved in its growth and direction. Reynolds’ involvement brought a new level of visibility and popularity to Aviation Gin, making it even more appealing to consumers.

The Ownership Structure

Aviation Gin is currently owned by a joint venture between Davos Brands and actor Ryan Reynolds. Davos Brands is a spirits company that focuses on importing and developing premium brands. Reynolds’ partnership with Davos Brands has proven to be successful, as they have worked together to elevate Aviation Gin to new heights.

It is important to note that ownership in the spirits industry can sometimes change, so it is always advised to check the latest updates from reliable sources to get the most accurate information about Aviation Gin’s ownership.

In conclusion, Aviation Gin is controlled by a joint venture between Davos Brands and actor Ryan Reynolds. This partnership has played a significant role in the brand’s success and popularity. With Reynolds’ involvement, Aviation Gin continues to soar to new heights in the spirits industry.

Revealing the Ownership of Aviation Gin

Aviation Gin, a popular brand in the spirits industry, is owned by a group of individual investors. However, the true owners behind the brand remain undisclosed.

The ownership structure of Aviation Gin is kept private, leaving many wondering who is behind this successful brand. Speculations have been made about celebrities and industry experts being part of the ownership, but no official confirmation has been provided.

Despite the mystery surrounding the ownership, Aviation Gin has gained a significant following and has become a favorite choice among gin enthusiasts. The brand’s commitment to quality and innovative marketing strategies have contributed to its success in the market.

While the true owners of Aviation Gin may remain unknown for now, the brand continues to thrive and establish itself as a top player in the competitive gin industry.

Owned By: Group of individual investors
Status: Private ownership structure
Speculations: Celebrities and industry experts
Key Factors: Quality commitment and innovative marketing

The Masterminds Behind Aviation Gin

When it comes to the world of gin, Aviation Gin is a brand that stands out from the rest.

Aviation Gin, known for its smooth and versatile flavor, is a product that has gained a loyal following in the spirits industry. But have you ever wondered who is behind this renowned brand?

The Visionaries:

The minds behind Aviation Gin are Ryan Reynolds, actor and entrepreneur, and Andrew T. Chrisomalis, a seasoned spirits expert. Together, they set out to create a gin that would redefine the industry.

Ryan Reynolds, known for his wit and charm, brings his creative vision to Aviation Gin. With his passion for quality and authenticity, he has been instrumental in shaping the brand’s image and marketing strategies.

Andrew T. Chrisomalis, on the other hand, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. With his background in the spirits industry, he ensures that Aviation Gin maintains its high standards and delivers a product that is consistently exceptional.

The Innovation:

Aviation Gin is not just your ordinary spirit. The team behind this brand is constantly pushing the boundaries of what gin can be. They experiment with unique botanical blends and innovative distillation techniques to create a gin that is truly one-of-a-kind.

Their dedication to innovation is evident in every bottle of Aviation Gin. From the carefully selected ingredients to the meticulous craftsmanship, every aspect of the production process is carefully thought out.

Their commitment to quality and innovation has earned Aviation Gin numerous awards and accolades from both critics and consumers alike.

The Future:

As the gin industry continues to evolve, the masterminds behind Aviation Gin are not resting on their laurels. They are constantly looking for ways to improve and innovate, ensuring that the brand remains at the forefront of the industry.

So the next time you enjoy a glass of Aviation Gin, remember the visionaries behind it and raise a toast to their passion, creativity, and dedication.

Unlocking the Secrets of Aviation Gin Ownership

When it comes to the ownership of Aviation Gin, peeling back the layers can reveal a fascinating story. Who exactly owns this popular gin brand? Let’s delve into the mysteries and uncover the truth behind the ownership.

Ownership Structure

The ownership structure of Aviation Gin is not as straightforward as one might think. While many assume it is solely owned by one entity, the reality is more complex. The brand is currently owned by multiple individuals and entities, each with their own stake in the company.

Key Players

One of the main players in the ownership of Aviation Gin is renowned actor Ryan Reynolds. Known for his on-screen charisma, Reynolds took an interest in the brand and became an owner in 2018. His involvement brought a fresh perspective and creative energy to the company.

Another significant player in the ownership is Davos Brands, a New York-based spirits company. Davos Brands acquired Aviation Gin in 2016 and has been instrumental in the brand’s growth and success.

These key players, along with other stakeholders, work closely together to ensure the continued success and innovation of Aviation Gin.

Transparency and Future

Although the ownership structure of Aviation Gin may appear complex, the brand is committed to transparency. It is focused on maintaining open lines of communication with consumers and sharing its story.

As for the future of Aviation Gin, the brand’s owners are determined to continue pushing the boundaries of craft gin and explore new possibilities. With a blend of creative vision and business acumen, the ownership of Aviation Gin will undoubtedly shape the brand’s trajectory in the years to come.

Owned By: Percentage of Ownership
Ryan Reynolds Unknown
Davos Brands Unknown
Other stakeholders Unknown

The True Powerhouses Behind Aviation Gin

Have you ever wondered who owned Aviation Gin? Well, the true powerhouses behind this beloved brand are none other than Ryan Reynolds and Davos Brands. Ryan Reynolds, best known for his acting career, acquired an ownership stake in Aviation Gin in 2018. His love for the smooth and crisp taste of gin and dedication to creating an exceptional product made him the perfect fit for the brand.

However, Reynolds is not the sole owner of Aviation Gin. He partnered with Davos Brands, a leading portfolio of premium spirits. Davos Brands focuses on building and developing high-quality brands with a strategic approach and a deep understanding of the industry.

The collaboration between Ryan Reynolds and Davos Brands has proven to be a winning combination. Together, they have taken Aviation Gin to new heights and have elevated it to become one of the most sought-after gins in the market.

With Reynolds’ creative vision and Davos Brands’ expertise in the spirits industry, Aviation Gin continues to thrive and innovate. So, the next time you enjoy a glass of Aviation Gin, raise it to the true powerhouses behind the brand.

Inside Aviation Gin Ownership

When it comes to the world of gin, Aviation Gin is undoubtedly one of the most renowned brands. But have you ever wondered who owns this iconic spirit? Let’s delve into the ownership behind Aviation Gin and discover the true minds behind this distinguished brand.

The Beginning of Aviation Gin

Aviation Gin was officially born in 2006 when it was created by an American actor, Ryan Reynolds, and a few of his friends. Reynolds, known for his humor and talent in the entertainment industry, brought his creativity and passion for craft spirits into the world of aviation.

The founder of Aviation Gin saw an opportunity to introduce a new and refreshing gin that would appeal to a wider audience. With its smooth and balanced flavor profile, Aviation Gin quickly gained popularity among gin enthusiasts and cocktail aficionados.

The Acquisition by Davos Brands

In 2016, Aviation Gin caught the attention of Davos Brands, a New York-based wine and spirits company. Recognizing the potential and quality of the brand, Davos Brands acquired majority ownership of Aviation Gin.

Davos Brands, with its depth of experience and expertise in the industry, has worked tirelessly to elevate the reputation and reach of Aviation Gin. They have implemented strategic marketing campaigns and expanded distribution networks, ensuring that more people can enjoy the exceptional taste of Aviation Gin.

Aviation Gin Ownership: Percentage:
Davos Brands Majority
Ryan Reynolds and Other Investors Minority

While Davos Brands is the majority owner, it is important to note that Ryan Reynolds and a few other investors still retain minority ownership in Aviation Gin. This ensures that the brand’s original vision and essence are preserved as it continues to grow and thrive in the competitive gin market.

So, the next time you raise a glass of Aviation Gin, remember to appreciate not only the exceptional quality of the spirit but also the dedicated minds who have brought this remarkable brand to life.

The Individuals in Control of Aviation Gin

Aviation Gin, a popular brand in the alcoholic beverage industry, is owned by a group of individuals who have great influence over its operations and success. These individuals play a crucial role in shaping the brand’s direction and ensuring its continued growth.

Ryan Reynolds: The Face of Aviation Gin

One of the key figures behind Aviation Gin is actor Ryan Reynolds. Acting as the brand’s owner and promoter, Reynolds brings his charisma and star power to the marketing and advertising campaigns. His involvement has undoubtedly contributed to the widespread popularity and recognition of Aviation Gin. Reynolds’s dedication to the brand is evident as he actively participates in its promotion and helps generate brand awareness.

The Devotion of Davos Brands

Another significant stakeholder in Aviation Gin is Davos Brands. As the co-owner and investor, Davos Brands provides essential financial support and strategic guidance to the brand. Their team of experts works closely with Reynolds and the Aviation Gin team to ensure the brand’s continued success. Davos Brands’ commitment to quality and innovation aligns with Aviation Gin’s values, making them a valuable partner in the brand’s growth.

Together, these key individuals and entities have helped Aviation Gin become a prominent player in the industry. Their dedication, expertise, and shared vision have contributed to the brand’s success and continuous growth. As Aviation Gin continues to expand its reach and appeal to gin enthusiasts worldwide, the individuals behind the brand will play an essential role in shaping its future.

Aviation Gin: Meet the Owners

Aviation Gin, a popular distilled spirit known for its smooth taste and unique botanical blend, is owned by a group of individuals who are passionate about both aviation and gin. The owners of Aviation Gin are a diverse group with a common love for quality spirits and a desire to create a brand that stands out in the crowded gin market.

The History of Aviation Gin

Aviation Gin was created in 2006 by a group of friends who were inspired by the classic cocktail, the Aviation. They wanted to revive this forgotten cocktail and bring it to the mainstream, and they believed that creating their own gin would be the best way to do it. The owners were determined to produce a gin that would not only be great in cocktails but also enjoyable to drink neat.

After months of experimenting with various botanicals and distillation techniques, the owners finally created a recipe that they were proud of. They decided to name their gin “Aviation” as a nod to their shared passion for aviation and the classic cocktail that inspired them.

The Owners’ Passion for Aviation and Gin

The owners of Aviation Gin are not only passionate about producing high-quality spirits, but they also have a deep love for aviation. Some of them are pilots themselves, while others simply enjoy the feeling of freedom and adventure that aviation represents.

They believe that aviation and gin share some common characteristics. Both are associated with luxury, sophistication, and a sense of exploration. Just as aviation allows people to travel to new and exciting destinations, gin allows drinkers to explore a wide range of flavors and cocktails.

This shared passion for aviation and gin is what drives the owners of Aviation Gin to continually strive for excellence in their product. They are constantly experimenting with new flavor profiles and techniques to create a gin that is truly unique and memorable.

So the next time you enjoy a glass of Aviation Gin, remember that it is not just a spirit crafted with care, but also a product of the passion and love for both aviation and gin.

The Visionaries Behind Aviation Gin

When it comes to the question of who owns Aviation Gin, the answer lies with a group of visionaries who have revolutionized the gin industry. This group includes some of the most renowned individuals in the spirits business.

  • Ryan Reynolds: Canadian actor and producer, Ryan Reynolds, is not only a spokesperson for Aviation Gin but also a co-owner. His love for the brand and commitment to its success has helped propel it to new heights.
  • Davos Brands: Davos Brands, a premium wine and spirits company, acquired Aviation Gin in 2016. They saw the potential in the brand and have since worked tirelessly to expand its reach and establish it as a leader in the industry.
  • Christian Krogstad: Christian Krogstad, the founder of House Spirits Distillery, is one of the original creators of Aviation Gin. His expertise and passion for crafting exceptional spirits have been instrumental in shaping the brand’s unique flavor profile.
  • Andrew Tice: Andrew Tice, another co-founder of House Spirits Distillery, played a key role in the development and success of Aviation Gin. With his deep knowledge of the industry, he helped establish the brand as a must-have for gin enthusiasts.

Together, these visionaries have transformed Aviation Gin into one of the most sought-after brands in the market. Their dedication and innovative approach have made Aviation Gin a favorite among gin enthusiasts worldwide.

The Truth About Aviation Gin Ownership

When it comes to the ownership of Aviation Gin, it’s important to understand who is behind this popular spirit. Aviation Gin is owned by Davos Brands, a company that specializes in investing in and growing premium spirits brands.

Davos Brands acquired Aviation Gin in 2016, making it a key player in the craft gin market. Since then, Aviation Gin has gained a strong following and has become known for its smooth taste and unique botanical blend.

Founded in 2013 by co-owners Brent Hocking and Ryan Reynolds, Davos Brands has quickly become a leader in the spirits industry. With a focus on innovation and quality, Davos Brands has successfully built a portfolio of high-end spirits that are enjoyed by consumers around the world.

Aviation Gin, in particular, has garnered attention not only for its exceptional taste but also for its celebrity partnership with actor Ryan Reynolds, who is known for his role as Deadpool. Reynolds’ involvement with Aviation Gin goes beyond just being the face of the brand – he has actively participated in the creative direction and marketing of the gin.

From its inception, Aviation Gin has been crafted with meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to producing a gin that stands out from the rest. Its botanical-forward flavor profile has made it a favorite among gin enthusiasts, and its ownership by Davos Brands has allowed for continued growth and innovation.

The Future of Aviation Gin

As Aviation Gin continues to gain popularity, its ownership by Davos Brands ensures that the brand will remain in good hands. With a strong track record of success and a commitment to excellence, Davos Brands is dedicated to growing Aviation Gin and maintaining its reputation as a top-tier spirit.

Through strategic partnerships and a focus on consumer preferences, Davos Brands aims to expand the reach of Aviation Gin and introduce it to new markets around the globe. With the support of its dedicated team and the vision of its co-owners, the future of Aviation Gin looks bright.

The Influential Figures Behind Aviation Gin

Aviation Gin, known for its bold and smooth flavor, is helmed by a team of influential individuals who have revolutionized the gin industry. Here are the key figures behind the success of Aviation Gin:

  • Ryan Reynolds: Ryan Reynolds, the famous Hollywood actor, is not only the face but also one of the co-owners of Aviation Gin. His witty and unconventional marketing tactics have helped elevate the brand’s popularity.
  • Andrew T. Chrisomalis: Andrew T. Chrisomalis, also known as “Mr. Aviation,” is the CEO and majority owner of Aviation Gin. He brings a wealth of experience in the spirits industry and has played a crucial role in shaping the brand’s direction.
  • Davos Brands: Davos Brands, a premium wine and spirits company, owns a significant stake in Aviation Gin. They provide strategic guidance and support to ensure the brand’s continued success.
  • Distillers: The master distillers at Aviation Gin are the true artisans behind the creation of the gin. With their expert knowledge and passion for crafting exceptional spirits, they have perfected the recipe that gives Aviation Gin its distinct flavor.
  • Community: Last but not least, the consumers and enthusiasts who appreciate Aviation Gin play a vital role in its success. Their feedback and support drive the brand forward and contribute to its continued growth.

Together, this collective of individuals and entities have transformed Aviation Gin into a global powerhouse in the gin industry, captivating gin connoisseurs and cocktail enthusiasts alike.

The Real Owners of Aviation Gin

Reynolds, best known for his roles in movies like Deadpool and The Proposal, has a genuine passion for the aviation industry, and his love for gin led him to invest in and acquire the brand. His dedication to maintaining the quality and craftsmanship of Aviation Gin is evident in the attention to detail that goes into every bottle.

While Reynolds may be the face of the brand, he is not the only one involved in its ownership. He has teamed up with a group of industry experts and entrepreneurs who share his vision for creating a top-notch gin brand. Together, they bring their expertise in distilling, marketing, and business to ensure the success of Aviation Gin.

It’s important to note that the true owners of Aviation Gin are not just celebrities looking to cash in on a trendy product. They are individuals who are passionate about creating a high-quality spirit and delivering an exceptional drinking experience to consumers. Their commitment to excellence sets them apart from other gin brands on the market.

So, the next time you enjoy a glass of Aviation Gin, remember that it is not just a brand owned by celebrities. It is a product of the hard work and dedication of a team of passionate individuals who are committed to bringing you the best gin possible.

Who Calls the Shots at Aviation Gin?

When it comes to determining the direction and decision-making process at Aviation Gin, it’s important to understand who holds the power behind this renowned brand. The aviation industry has always been associated with precision, expertise, and attention to detail, and the same principles apply to Aviation Gin.

Owned by the famous actor Ryan Reynolds, Aviation Gin has gained significant popularity in recent years for its well-crafted and distinctive flavors. Reynolds took over the brand in 2018 and has since been actively involved in its development and marketing.

However, Reynolds is not alone in calling the shots at Aviation Gin. The brand’s success is also attributed to the skillful expertise of the master distillers who work tirelessly to create the perfect balance of flavors and aromas.

The Role of the Master Distillers

The master distillers at Aviation Gin are the ones responsible for the meticulous production process that goes into creating each bottle of gin. They bring years of experience and knowledge to the table, carefully selecting the botanicals, overseeing the distillation process, and ensuring the final product meets the highest standards of quality.

These master distillers work closely with Reynolds to maintain the brand’s core values and continue to push the boundaries of gin-making. Their combined efforts result in the exceptional taste and smoothness that Aviation Gin is known for.

Collaboration and Innovation

At Aviation Gin, collaboration and innovation play a vital role in shaping the brand’s future. Reynolds, together with the master distillers, actively explores new ideas and experiments with different flavors and techniques to create unique and exciting gin offerings.

The brand’s dedication to quality and authenticity, combined with the vision of its owners, sets Aviation Gin apart from its competitors. Together, they call the shots to ensure the brand’s continued success and innovation in the world of gin.

So, the next time you indulge in a glass of Aviation Gin, remember that it’s not just Reynolds who calls the shots. It’s a collective effort of passion, expertise, and dedication that goes into each bottle of this exceptional gin.


Who are the true owners of Aviation Gin?

The true owners of Aviation Gin are the Davos Brands.

What is Aviation Gin?

Aviation Gin is a brand of gin that is known for its unique taste and smoothness.

Is Aviation Gin a popular brand?

Yes, Aviation Gin has gained popularity in recent years and has become a favorite among gin enthusiasts.

What makes Aviation Gin different from other brands?

Aviation Gin is known for its unique blend of botanicals, which gives it a distinct flavor profile.

Are there any famous people associated with Aviation Gin?

Yes, Aviation Gin is co-owned by actor Ryan Reynolds, who is also the brand’s spokesperson.

Who owns Aviation Gin?

The true owners of Aviation Gin are Davos Brands, a premium spirits company based in the United States.

What is the story behind Aviation Gin’s ownership?

Aviation Gin was originally co-owned by Ryan Reynolds, who bought shares in the brand in 2018. However, in 2020, it was revealed that Davos Brands had acquired a majority stake in Aviation Gin.

Why did Davos Brands acquire a majority stake in Aviation Gin?

Davos Brands saw potential in the Aviation Gin brand and believed it could benefit from their expertise and distribution network. Acquiring a majority stake allowed Davos Brands to have greater control and resources to further develop and promote the brand.

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